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The Seekers and their Gods

The Seekers were founded by men and women during the early days of the Age of Despair, who believed that the old gods had vanished for good, and were seeking for some new gods to worship. In the founding years of the Seeker religion, it was made up of loosely grouped heathens and heretics who in many cases were more interested in small-time operations where they fleeced innocents of their money. Essentially these heathen priests would work the locals into a fervor and get them to donate their money to further their 'faith'. False gods were dreamt up and used to trick the locals.


However not all of these priests are simply after money and prestige. Soon a gathering of individuals who truly sought evidence of the gods came together and a following sprouted up in Haven. The fledgling organization grew to minor prominence in Haven, but found itself in direct competition with the powerful religion of Belzor. The magical cult of Belzorites dominated Haven and the wider Abanasinian region with use of "divine magic" by it's priests and priestesses. However, in 345 AC the Belzor religion was exposed as fraudulent and the religion ceased its activities.


Establishing the Theocracies


With it's major rival defeated, the Seeker religion changed dramatically, moving from small localized operations to established bases throughout the Abanasinian region. The leading Seeker clerics developed theocracies, where Theocrats (high priests) governed towns and spread the Seeker philosophy and religion. The Lord city of Haven became the home of the Seekers, and soon enough they took control of the city. Gateway and Solace are other key areas that are dominated by Seeker rule.


The hierarchy of the Seeker religion was put into place and a military arm was also established. Shortly thereafter a spy network was also created, as well as an inquisition and interrogation branch.


Height of the Seekers


For those who joined the Seeker ranks, there is two paths. The military arm is known as the Holy Guard and these warriors are armed and pledge their lives to the service of the Highseekers. The Holy Guard are only prevalent in Haven itself, and work in large numbers to protect the priesthood.


The main arm of the Seekers is the clerical branch. All initiates eventually became known as Seeker priests. There is various ranks within the priesthood, but all are essentially Seekers. The priesthood is ruled by nine councillors, known as Highseekers. The Council is chaired by the Master of the Highseekers, who held authority over the entire faith, and these clerics dressed in rich brown and gold robes.

The Seeker Gods

Omalthea - Motherlord of both Pantheons.

Sauvey - Once a consort of Omalthea, god of vengeance and Fatherlord of the lesser pantheon.

Zeshun - Queen of the night, goddess of material things.

Ferae -  Daughter of Omalthea and Sauvey, goddess of fertility.

Cadithal - The laughing god, consort of Ferae.

and others whose names are unknown....

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