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Some races explained



Aloof and enigmatic, elves have formed several distinct clans on Krynn:


  • Silvanesti is said to be the original elven kingdom and was the elves' center of power for untold generations. Recently, the people of Silvanesti have abandoned their lands and journeyed to the homes of other elves in seek of aid.

  • Qualinesti elves are another group of high elves that follow more relaxed societal practices. They are less hierarchical than the Silvanesti, which has resulted in better relationships with outsiders.

  • Kagonesti wood elves descended from elves that departed the lands of Silvanesti and sought a more harmonious relationship with nature.

  • Dargonesti Elves,liketheir cousins the Dimernesti, originally hail from the land-dwelling elves but were
    altered by the passing of the Gray gem in the early ages of Krynn. The Dargonesti are a proud and haughty folk, with anattitude rather a kin to the Silvanesti. The Dargonesti, or “deep elves,’’ arel ed by the Speaker of the Moon, who traditionally rules from the ancient kingdom of Watermere.

  • Dimernesti Elves, also known as the shoal elves, occupy the shallower waters of Krynn’s oceans. Like their cousins, the Dimernesti are known to be a proud folk and are led by the Speaker of the Sea, a position long held by the ruling matriarch of the Windspeaker clan, the royal line of the people.


More information about the Elves


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Both mountain dwarves and hill dwarves exist in the lands of Krynn, though they share a dislike for one another that stems back to a battle between their clans around the time of the Cataclysm. The mountain dwarves closed the gates of their underground kingdom after the fiery mountain devastated the continent of Ansalon, leaving the hill dwarves—who worked the land and traded with other surface folk—high and dry.


Since then, mountain dwarves have become a reclusive people, with only some venturing to the surface since the Cataclysm 300 years ago. Hill dwarves, on the other hand, have learned to survive in harsh lands and among other folk.

More information about the Dwarves


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Curious, inventive, and at times legendary knick-knack collectors. These folk have ancestral ties to gnomes and can be found throughout Krynn.


When building a kender character, it's important to note their Taunt trait, which allows them to protect allies by drawing danger to themselves. This trait can force a nearby creature to make attack rolls at disadvantage if they're aimed at targets other than you. 


More information about Kender


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Gnomes on Krynn are typically associated with Mount Nevermind, a hollow, dormant volcano that houses the gnome's many experiments. Here, rock gnomes devise, create, and tinker with countless wondrous (and dangerous) inventions. While forest gnomes exist, they are rarer than their rock gnome cousins and prefer to seek harmony between nature and science rather than pursue endless innovation.


More information about the Gnomes


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The most ubiquitous people of Krynn, humans have formed several nations on the continent of Ansalon and make up the primary military might through sheer strength of numbers. Ranging from the nomadic Plainsfolk of northern Abanasinian to the more prosperous people of Solamnia, the humans of Krynn have survived, adapted, and thrived throughout all of the terrible events that have marred their history.

More information about the Humans

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