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The Humans

Created by the gods of neutrality, humans were one of Krynn’s three original ancestries. Due to their short lifespans, humans are viewed by the more long-lived peoples as a restless, impatient folk who quickly spread throughout Ansalon. While there are many different human cultures found throughout the continent, scholars tend to make a distinction between “civilized” and nomadic societies.

The various hu man civilizations on Ansalon have vastly different cultures. From the classical colleges of Gwynned, to the arid, dusty streets of Khuri-Khan, or the splendors of the tree-top town of Solace, no two cultures are exactly alike. These cultures vary in their architecture, food, music, literature, language, and clothing.

In the Dragonlance setting, the following cultures are those most commonly recognized by scholars. However, it should be noted that scores of smaller, less well-known societies exist as well. Below is a sample list of some of the various human cultures of Ansalon.


Following the Cataclysm, Abanasinia became home to refugees who brought their own distinct cultures and languages to the region. Quickly, these cultures combined into their own unique one. The humans of Abanasinia have retained the physical traits of their original cultures. The common language spoken is Abanasinian.

Found primarily on the Plains of Dust, native Abanasinian Plains people are of moderate height and build. They are noted for their tawny skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. Most plains folk speak a variant of Abanasinian.


The Ergothians live in Northern Ergoth and are noted for their dark complexion, although it isn’t uncommon for an Ergothian to be fair skinned as well. They typically have dark hair and eyes. Ergothians speak Ergot and Common.


The Ice Folk have fair skin, light coulored hair (often red), and blue eyes. They are noted for their lean builds and typically stand around six feet in height. Most Ice Folk speak their own unique language, which outsiders simply call Ice Folk.



Khurians are average in height and lean in build. They are noted for their bronze skin, black hair, and dark eyes. Most Khurians speak Khurish, which is a variant of the Istarian tongue and still uses the Istarian alphabet, in addition to Common.


Nerakan men tend to be shorter than the average human, and the women are somewhat taller than average. They tend to have tanned skin and dark hair and eyes. Nerakans speak Nerakese and Common.


Solamnians (or Solamnics as they’re more commonly known) are a pale-skinned folk who tend to be taller than average. There is no standard hair or eye color, primarily due to their diverse ancestry. The most common language spoken is Solamnic, while the majority also speak Common.

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