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Gods of Neutrality

Krynn Exclusive


The Beast, Wild One, and World Mother


Chislev (kiz-lev or chiz-lev) is nature incarnate and the divine power of instinct. She believes that one should trust their primal urges and let go of thought and reason. At one with Krynn’s natural world, the beginning and ending of seasons flow through her. She has mixed feelings when dealing with mortals as they pose the greatest threat to the natural world but also are the biggest part of it.

Her complicated relationship with mortals is even more profound as she has been influential to the various cultures around the world. Chislev rewards those who have moved their cultures towards reverence of the land and the goddess, understanding they are one in the same. Chislev and Zivilyn  love each other, and Chislev is allied with Habbakuk. She despises Zeboim and Morgion’s cultists; and opposes Shinare, goddess of industry.

Aspects. Chislev very rarely takes on a humanoid or even an animal form. She most often appears as a force of nature, such as a howling wind, or a raging river.

Holy Day. Harrowing, on Chislmont the 4th, is important to the followers of Chislev. On this day, the druids of Chislev leave their groves and travel to settlements to bless the spring planting.


The Book, the Sage, and the Gray Voyager

Gilean (GILL-ee-en) is the chief deity of the gods of neutrality and the divine power of knowledge. His followers believe in the growth of the soul through the experience of knowledge given in many different forms. Gilean desires that all knowledge be respected and preserved. This makes him a popular patron of sages, scholars, and librarians.

Believing that freewill and individual choice are a part of being mortal, Gilean protects that freedom, even though he is very ordered.

The High God called Gilean out of time and made him a god of equal stature as Paladine and Takhisis. He was also given the Tobril, the great book of all knowledge. Speculation remains of whether Astinus of Palanthas is an aspect of Gilean, his mortal child, or simply a mortal scribe who ensures Gilean’s existence. Gilean has only one child, the goddess Lunitari who sprang fully formed from him. The other neutral gods are those that he gathered to him from the Beyond, who aided in the order of Creation.

Aspects. Often appearing in the form of a human, Gilean is clothed in gray, muted colors. His aspects usually seem scholarly or sage like. At times, though, he can appear as a battlefield commander or a rogue.

Holy Day. The Month of the Book is an important period for the followers of Gilean. The month, which is chosen by a cleric of Gilean, is used to study a body of work, a place
of learning, or a library. During this time, a cleric is unable to accept payment for services, while working on their dissertation.



Veiled Maiden, Maid of Illusion, and Night Candle


Lunitari (loo-nuh-tah-ree) is the goddess of neutral magic, and the patron to wizards who have chosen to use magic tempered by balance, freedom of expression, and curiosity. Like her cousins she promotes and defends the laws of the Orders of High Sorcery. Before joining her cousins, she was the divine power of mystery, but chose to live in planar exile in the Mortal Realm. With this change she has transformed her divine power into the specific mysteries of magic.

She has chosen Krynn’s crimson moon as the object incarnated with her power. Her faithful are driven toward discovery of the secrets that magic holds. She is mercurial in nature and often seen in the company of her cousins Solinari and Nuitari. Lunitari is the daughter of Gilean, who, it is said, was born fully formed from his thoughts.

Aspects. Lunitari often appears as either a human or half elf woman. She is seen wearing red robes and has red hair.


The Forge, the World Smith, and Tamer of Chaos


Reorx (REE-orcs) is the divine power of creation. He believes that, for the soul to realize its potential, one must grow through craft, skill, and artifice. Often considered to be the patron of dwarves and gnomes, his faithful reach far beyond these races. Smiths and craftsmen often embrace Reorx because of their need to create. The believers of Reorx are not limited to tradespeople, as rogues and gamblers respect his influence on talent and skill.

With his forging hammer and at the direction of the High God, Reorx brought the world into existence. To do so
he had to use the raw material of Chaos from which he crafted not only the world but the stars and souls. He works tirelessly to keep everything from returning to Chaos once again. Reorx hates and fears Chaos, who he calls the Father of All and Nothing, as he trapped a fragment of Chaos in the Graygem.

Aspects. Appearing as a dwarf in nearly all encounters, Reorx enjoys spending time among the mortals. When he takes on the aspect of the Forge, he appears as a deeply tanned blacksmith, with steel-gray hair, and a beard like rusted iron.

Holy Day. Forgeday, the 19th of Chislmont, is the holiest day for the followers of Reorx. On this day smiths of all races open their forges and invite the faithful of Reorx to bestow a blessing. This day is often used by smiths to finish great projects.


Winged Victory, the Silver Mistress, and Walking Liberty

Shinare (Shih-NAR-ay) is the divine power of interaction, and goddess of wealth, industry, and commerce. She governs negotiations, contracts, enterprises, and partnerships. Shinare seeks to drive the world forward through the spirit of trade. Often the patron deity of merchants, she is sometimes considered a stingy goddess as she believes in balanced dealings. Because of this, Shinare, does not take a moral stance either for or against the practice of mercenary work as long as the trade is fair for all parites. However, those who take part in abuse, unfair practices, or theft will incur her wrath.

Called from the Beyond by Gilean to serve, Shinare has always fostered interaction and enterprise. It is through
this that exploration and travel is fueled to unite the various cultures, towns, or nations. Her presence is still strong even in times of conflict, ensuring that negotiations are done in good faith. Shinare is the companion of Sirrion, even though it is a complicated relationship. She has remained on good terms with Reorx, Kiri-Jolith, and Majere. She does oppose any dealings involving Hiddukel.

Aspects. Shinare’s aspects are not limited by race or gender. When she manifests, often the only indication of her is the appearance of a plump, older, and well-dressed individual. Most of the time her outfits incorporate precious metals.

Holy Day. The Day of Hearing, on the 8th of Sirrimont, is when the clergy of Shinare hear the various problems from the locals. On this day they also hear about new ventures that might be fruitful for the church.



Flowing Flame, the Alchemist, and the Firemaster


Sirrion (SEAR-ee-on) is the god of transformation and its aspects are alchemy, creativity, passion, and renewal. Followers of Sirrion are taught to embrace a passionate and creative life to evolve. With a strong emphasis on transformation, Sirrion has adopted fire as his trait.
Fire represents warmth and love, but also brings about change and transformation. Although he is chaotic and unpredictable, Sirrion is opposed to needless destruction.


The High God brought Sirrion from the Beyond to stand with Gilean. It is said that Sirrion created Shinare from wondrous metals and provided the spark that Reorx needed to start the worldforge. His ability to transform has had a significant impact on Krynn throughout history, even though his faithful are few. Often it is the free spirits traveling the lands that have embraced his teachings.

Aspects. When Sirrion manifests he uses fire or the color of flame in his aspects, often taking on the appearance of smooth-talking individuals who are handsome and sporting red-blond hair.

Holy Day. On the Eternal Day, the 1st of Sirrimont, the clergy of Sirrion renew the eternal fire flare through the use of spells.


World Tree, Wise One, and the Tree of Life

Zivilyn (ZIV-ih-lin) is a deity of wisdom, enlightenment, and insight. His teachings seek to reinforce a mortal’s desire to reach enlightenment. He is interested and aware of all times and places and is often sought out for insight. Zivilyn dwells within the River of Time, but at the same time exists outside of it.

The High God invited Zivilyn to serve as a counselor to Gilean and bear witness to the world. There have only been a few times when Zivilyn was unable to provide counsel on the future. Once, during the Chaos War, and the other when Krynn was stolen. Zivilyn opposes the ideals of some of his fellow gods but calls no god his enemy.

Aspects. Favoring the extremes of age, Zivilyn’s aspects are similar. Zivilyn takes on either the appearance of a young child or an elderly man. While his aspects are present, time moves around him differently as if under either a slow or haste spell, affecting each person differently.

Holy Day. The Day of Reflection, the 25th of Mishamont, is the day when the clergy of Zivilyn spend time contemplating the River of Time. This day is marked by fasting and prayers, which lead to travel to a nearby waterway for six hours of meditation.

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