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Gods of Darkness

Just Released


Lord of Bones, Lifebane, and the Black Goat

Chemosh (kee-mosh or chee-mosh) represents the divine power of fatalism and is the master of the undead. He believes that life was a gift wasted on mortals and that they are undeserving to pass into the Beyond. To that end, he tricks souls into the Abyss or promises them immortality as undead.

Chemosh was one of the first gods to leave the beyond to aid Takhisis in her goals. As the first souls passed on it was his job to sit in the Hall of Souls and witness the passage of the dead. He looks for the souls who are unbound to other faiths and then binds them to himself in undeath. The other gods oppose Chemosh’s theft of souls but do not interfere so long as the mortal soul makes the choice of its own free will.

Aspects. Chemosh appears most often as one of two aspects. One is a handsome man dressed in fine silks, while the other is a figure dressed in funeral robes.


Holy Day. Chemosh has one specific holy day: the autumnal equinox, known to the Chemoshites as Orkusnacht. On this night, the clerics of Chemosh conduct unspeakable rites, begging their master to keep them from death and renewing their unholy communion with the Lord of Bones.



Prince of Lies, the Betrayer, and the Broken Scales


Hiddukel (hid-doo-keel) is the god of exploitation. He lures souls with promises of greatness through the manipulation of others to gain an advantage. Hiddukel offers seductive promises, and the weak or greedy will turn to him to profit at the expense of others.

He was summoned from the Beyond by Takhisis to further her plans of conquest. By using his divine power, he
has made every effort to convince the other Gods of the Pantheon of his rightful role as dealmaker. His lies have caused many mortals to carry out terrible acts through corruption and wickedness. Hiddukel is known to be a coward and has contingencies in place for when his latest plan is discovered.

Aspects. Hiddukel is quite clever in the ways in which he chooses to appear to others. These aspects often take the form of nondescript and innocuous people who work their clever tongues to manipulate other people, nations, and organizations.

Holy Day. The Church of Hiddukel has no holy days.


Black Wind, Master of the Bronze Tower, and the Rat King


Morgion (mor-gee-un) is the divine source of the power
of decay in all its various forms such as plague, pestilence, rust, and madness. His greatest desire is for all mortals of Krynn to leave the world as frail individuals, suffering and without peace. He is the god of diseases of the mind and body, and thrives for the decay of all, whether it be a person’s relationship or the fall of a nation.


Called into the world from the Beyond by Takhisis, Morgion sought to aid her in the domination of the world. Morgion often works alone, isolating himself from even the other gods as he sends to the world his various plagues, rot, and decay. Even Morgion is not immune to his own madness and experiences bouts of illness both physical and mental.  He naturally opposes Habbakuk, Chislev, Majere, Mishakal, and Reorx, who he knows openly work against him.

Aspects. Morgion’s aspects are grotesque and hideous in appearance. He manifests them only in dimly lit areas or at night to help hide his appearance. His aspects usually have a skeletal appearance or will appear as swarms of rats, insects, or other vile things.


Holy Day. The cult of Morgion keeps no holy days.


Devouring Dark, Nightreaver, and Ungod


Nuitari (noo-uh-tah-ree) is the embodiment of the divine power of magic used for evil. He uses the laws of the Orders of High Sorcery to strengthen and ensure the power of his faithful. Prior to his leaving the Heavens he was the divine power of ambition, but he chose to enter planar exile with his magical cousins. He broadened his power to encompass the grasp magic has on the mind, body, and soul.

The son of Takhisis and Sargonnas, Nuitari resides on Krynn’s black moon to control and hoard magic. He is
also the twin brother of Zeboim and has been at odds
with Takhisis, who stole his magic to bestow upon her followers. He often struggles against Chemosh, as both seek domination over necromancy.

Aspects. Nuitari appears primarily as a black robed wizard of either human or ogre ancestry. Most of his aspects are noted for their fleshy, moonlike appearance.


Red Condor, the Firebringer, and the Bull God


Sargonnas (sar-gon-us) is the divine power of wrath. He is a god without compassion or mercy, but because he is lawful, he makes use of mortal laws to hold others accountable. Wars fought over passion, anger, and broken promises are his domain as he champions vengeance and retribution. The minotaur race favors Sargonnas and has elevated him as their supreme deity.

Summoned from the Beyond as the consort to Takhisis, Sargonnas has maintained a complicated relationship with her. Over the course of history, Sargonnas has been the voice of doom for many, and his servants gather to carry out countless righteous wars. He is the father of the twin gods, Nuitari and Zeboim. Sargonnas despises the gods of light except for Kiri-Jolith for whom he holds respect.

Aspects. Sargonnas appears as a strong figure and takes on the form of minotaur, ogre, or human. Often armored in red and black, carrying iron tools and weapons, Sargonnas’s figure is one that is impressive to gaze upon. The air around an aspect of Sargonnas is heated, causing mortal hearts to quicken in his presence.


Holy Day. On the first of Argon, Dakotas Hapterak takes place. This is the Day of Broken Shackles, which celebrates the minotaurs’ freedom from enslavement and their subsequent prosperity.


Queen of Darkness, the Many-Headed Dragon, the Dark Warrior


Takhisis’s (tah-kee-sis) realm is the divine power of control. She believes that a weaker mortal’s soul must surrender to the domination of those who are greater and more influential, creating a chain of power leading directly to her. Takhisis believes that she alone has the divine right to rule all of Krynn.

The Queen of Darkness was called forth from the Beyond
to serve as a custodian of the world with Paladine. She is the head of the gods of darkness and, throughout Krynn’s history, has allied with chromatic dragons. Over the course of time, she has made numerous attempts to conquer Krynn, only to be thwarted by Paladine and the metallic dragons. She is the consort to Sargonnas and mother to the twin gods Nuitari and Zeboim.


Aspects. One of Takhisis’s aspects is a multi-headed dragon, each head representing one of the chromatic dragons found on Krynn. Other aspects include the Dark Warrior, in which she is dressed in black scalemail; the Temptress, a seductive woman in silken robes; and a reflective surface surrounded by the five chromatic dragon heads.

Holy Day. Dark Day is celebrated on the third day of every new year. It is a quiet time for the church as its members engage in contemplation of old plots while considering their role in the Dark Queen’s hierarchy.


Sea Witch, the Darkling Sea, and the Dragon Turtle


Zeboim (zuh-bo-im) is the divine power of strife. She manifests her unpredictable and impetuous nature into the seas and in storms. Sailors and mariners give her offerings in hopes of preventing hurricanes and ending up at the bottom of Krynn’s oceans. It is her desire that by creating anguish she will prevent mortals from becoming stagnant and senseless.

The daughter of Takhisis and Sargonnas and twin sister
of Nuitari, Zeboim has an unpredictable relationship with her family. Ariakas became the lover of Zeboim, and the
two produced a son named Ariakan. Zeboim cherished her mortal son, and following his death, she sought to inflict pain on those responsible.

Aspects. Zeboim takes on many aspects but one of her most well-known is the form of a slender, beautiful woman with green-black hair. Often her aspects include themes relating to water, and she has even taken on the form of a dragon turtle.


Holy Day. The Sea Queen’s Share is performed every nine months when the moon of Solinari is full. The faithful sacrifice most of the wealth they have acquired to Zeboim. If she is pleased with the offerings, they float back to the faithful. If not, they are lost.

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