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About: Guides

Krynn is the third planet in the Krynnspace solar system. Many different races dwell on it's surface. The gods of Krynnspace main focus is on this planet.  It is the main chessboard of their games.


The world of Krynn was forged by Reorx, when he struck his hammer to the Anvil of Time, forcing Chaos to slow his cycle of destruction, during the Age of Starbirth. It is believed that five major continents exist on Krynn, though there are many islands and lesser land masses as well.

There are three moons on the planet of Krynn, and each is the face of one of the gods of magic. They chose not to put themselves in stars or planets, but to be as close to Krynn as possible so as to watch it. Wizards of High Sorcery draw power from these moons and their respective gods. The moons are the white moon Solinari, representing the god of good magic, the red moon Lunitari, representing the god of neutral magic, and the black moon Nuitari, representing the god of evil magic. Nuitari as a moon is little known; it can only be seen by those who use it for their magic. Most people believe in only two moons, Solinari and Lunitari.

Satellites (Moons)

Solinari (Good)                    Lunitari (Neutral)                    Nuitari (Evil)



World of Krynn - MAP.png


About: Guides


Krynn's surface is mostly covered in water. Two dominant continents make up it's land with 3 lesser continents and other smaller landmasses and islands. The equator is tropical but becomes more temperate near the poles.  Each polar cap is arctic in nature. This areas surface is covered in snow and ice.




Mysterious third continent of the world of Krynn, to the north and west of Ansalon and west of Taladas. More information on this continent is unknown at this time.




The larger continent lies far to the northeast of Ansalon in the northern hemisphere. It's landmass is about 1,900 from west to east and 1,300 from north to south. The Cataclysm, known to Taladans as the Great Destruction, broke the continent into several large land masses all clustered around the Burning Sea. 


Two unique features are the Shining Lands, where the land is made up of black sand that cuts like razors and the ground is like a black glass lake. The other area is the Burning Sea, this section of Taladas is where the gods struck on the day of the great cataclysm. Nothing but a molten sea remains.






Perhaps the most well-known of Krynn's continents, Ansalon is located in the southern hemisphere. Ansalon is bordered by the Turbidus Ocean to the north, the Courrain Ocean to the east, the land of Icereach to the south, and the Sirrion Sea to the west. Ansalon was once a single land mass, except for a few islands such as the Isle of Sancrist. The Turbidus Ocean bordered western Ansalon at that time, until the Cataclysm destroyed the Empire of Istar and caused massive shifts in both land and sea. Ansalon is approximately 1,300 miles from east to west, and 1,000 miles from north to south. Notable islands near Ansalon include the Blood Sea Isles, Northern Ergoth, Southern Ergoth, Sancrist Isle, Schallsea, and Storm's Keep. These lands have all the basic land features, although between the god Chaos and the Dragon Overlords, some have been altered during and after the cataclysm.


The Dragon Overlords used means of magic to change the surrounding lands of their realms. Making the extreme geographical features more to their liking. Most dramatic alteration was the lush land known as Kendermore. This land was turned in to a barren waste land, dotted with volcanoes.




Icereach is located to the far south of Ansalon and is a desolate frozen region which is comprised chiefly of a monstrous glacier. The only point further to the south in all of Krynn, is the frigid realm of Chorane. The region is covered in ice and chilly winds, which constantly blow throughout the entire area. Long ago it was fought over between human barbarian tribes, thanoi and a great force of ogres. However the ogre nation of Suderhold fell apart long ago, and the area has since been fought over between Thanoi (Walrus men), Ice Barbarians, and White Dragons. Dwellings are few and far between throughout all of Icereach. There are two Human civilizations of Icereach, the most numerous and more friendly on the two is the Arktos who are referred to as "Icefolk" by outsiders. The region of Icereach was born out of the pre-Cataclysmic Kingdom of Icereach, and is all that is left of the once great and powerful nation. Before the Cataclysm, Icereach was not the frozen wasteland it became, but a barren and unforgiving land with short summers and long winters.




Located somewhere east of Ansalon, the small continent of Ithin'Carthia is the home of the blue-skinned Tarmak and their subjugated Damjatt and Keena neighbors. The Tarmak brutes are a strange people that respect only power, and consider it an honor to be burned by dragon breath.


Dragon Isles​


North of Ansalon, near Krynn's equator, are eight islands collectively known as the Dragon Isles. This island chain is considered a myth to most of those on Krynn, and is the home of the Good dragons.


The Dragon Isles lie eighty miles to the north of the Cape of Nordmaar. Little is known about these islands, they are all but impossible to reach as they are magically protected.  Near the Isles a giant leviathan lives and is called the Golden Whale.​


The islands are located in the center of the tropics, the centre of Krynn. The Irda inhabit at least one of the islands, the Good dragons inhabit the City of Gold, capital of Misty Isle, though little is known of them. However, after the destruction of the Irda prior to the Chaos War, little is known about the fate of the islands.


All the islands average, at most, ten miles in diameter but reflect almost every type of terrain imaginable.


  • Alarl

  • Berann

  • Heart

  • Jaentarth

  • Mind

  • Misty Isle

  • Tayol

  • Winged Majesty 


Spine of Taladas


The Spine of Taladas is a coral island chain located southwest of Taladas but northeast of the undersea Watermere. The Irda island of Anaiatha was once here, but broke off during the Cataclysm. The remainder of that island is called Selasia, and is the largest island in the Spine.


Blood Sea

Courrain Ocean

Dwarf Sea

Great Burning Sea

Guurlamskas Ocean

Sirrion Sea

Urdile Ocean

Sea of Tears

Turbidus Ocean

Western Ocean

Windless Ocean

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