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Kitiara Uth Matar.png

Human, Female, Fighter

Kitiara Uth Matar, or "Kit" was born to Gregor Uth Matar and Rosamun Aelan on 28 Hiddumont 318 AC, in the city of Palanthas. Gregor and Rosamun had two children, Le Nordais and Kitiara. They left Palanthas for the city of Solace when Le Nordais and Kit were still very young.


Kit has the same brown eyes and dark curly hair possessed by her father, and her smile always has a lopsided and roguish quality to it. 


For unknown reasons, Gregor abruptly left Solace in 325 AC, and Rosamun soon married the woodcutter Gilon Majere. Gilon and Rosamun did not have children. A few years after her marriage to Gilon, Rosamun started to suffer strange trances and she was chronically abed with fever and imagined ills.

Many years later as teenager, Kitiara considered following the bandit Ursa Il Kinth out of Solace but stayed to help her mother as she was not well.


Gilon, her stepfather was often away chopping wood and the sickness was very hard on her mother, so Kit taught herself how to cook, sew, mend. Kit yearned to leave Solace but also pitied her mother, whose health had deteriorated after the birth.  At the age of 19, Kitiara left home and met up with Ursa and his companions and began her life as a mercenary.


Kitiara periodically returned to Solace with money and small gifts. A few years later she returned to Solace as her mother was dying.


In 348 AC, the friends split up to find proof of the true gods clerical healing magic and they agreed to meet at the Inn of the Last Home in three years' time on the day of Summer’s End.  


During this time, Kitiara accompanied by Flint headed north to Solamnia by way of the elven ship High Crest. Stranded in Caergoth, the pair acquired passage on the Gnome ship Cloudmaster, bound for Solanthus. According to some rumors, the ship malfunctioned and sent the entire crew to the Red Moon, Lunitari for a time before they returned to Krynn.  They have since returned from their journey and are expected to meet up with their friends as expected.


Hill Dwarf, Male, Fighter


Flint Fireforge was Born 11 Aelmont 203 AC was the second of thirteen children, and the descendant of the great Reghar Fireforge from the village of Hillhome, where he worked the farm doing normal farm chores.


Flint is just over half the height of an elf in size, with a barrel-shaped chest, forge-hardened arms twice the size of any elf's arms, a thick black beard, and steel-blue eyes. Flint is known to be queasy about heights, scared to death of boats and water, habit of talking to himself, and allergic to horses.

Flint shaped toys out of wood for children, which he would then gave away without charging a cent. His metal working skills is amongst some of the best in Abanasinia. Flint fights with his trusty Battle-Axe and is also able to pick some easy locks. He speaks Common, Dwarven, and some Elvish.


When he was younger, he hated doing the chores and often tricked his younger siblings into working for him. He would receive training in blacksmithing from his older brother Aylmar Fireforge, and became quiet close to him during this time.


In early spring of 288 AC, Flint was relaxing in his new hometown of Solace, when he was approached by an elf from Qualinesti. The Speaker of the Sun Solostaran Kanan had purchased one of Flint's metal works and wanted Flint to come to Qualinost to do some work for him. Flint saw his mark on the item, a stamp of "Solace" and the year it was made, and agreed to come to the elven nation.


When he arrived in Qualinost, Flint took an instant liking to one of Solostraran's sons, an elf named Dorren.  Over the years that Flint traveled back and forth to the elven city, they became close friends.


While living in Solace, Flint temporarily took Tika Waylan into his home. Tika was a young girl whose parents were no longer a part of her life. Flint made toys for her and eventually Otik Sandeth adopted her.


Flint had a deadly terror of crossing any body of water due to an unfortunate camping trip on the shores of Crystalmir Lake in 345 AC. While on a boat, to catch a fish with his bare hands, he leaned too far over, and everyone fell overboard. Flint who couldn't swim and hadn't surfaced. When Flint didn't surface, Dorren dove in and dragged Flint to the surface. From that time on, Flint vowed never to get into another boat for the rest of his life.


The friends split up for various reasons, but they agreed to meet at the Inn of the Last Home in three years' time. The rest of the friends decided to go their own way to seek out the true gods and healing magic.


Flint planned on staying in Solace the winter following the departure of the friends. But after a year, he decided to follow Kitiara and head north to Solamnia.

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