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The Dwarves

The Dwarves of Ansalon are ancient and complicated. Created by the magical Gray gem, dwarves nevertheless claim to be the chosen of the smith-god Reorx. From their humble beginnings on the shores of Kal-Thaxto the Halls of Thorbardin, dwarves can be found throughout Ansalon. The various clans of the dwarves work to gether for their own survival with one notable exception: the Dwarfgate Wars which pitted the dwarves in Thorbardin against their own kin over the scarcity of food and supplies following the Cataclysm.


The first organized clan of dwarves settled in Thorin and were known for their ambitious delving’s into the rock. Adopting the name Calnar, which meant True People, they established the first great dwarven kingdom on Ansalon, called Thorin. They were primarily interested in trade.

Every spring the dwarves of Thorin would celebrate Balladine, a festival marked by trading with human settlements in the area. This festival caused the downfall of Thorin. During the last Balladine (2160 PC), humans jealous of the  imagined wealth of Thorin in filtrated the stronghold causing mass chaos. Only through the efforts of Handil the Drum did the Calnar survive. After the attack, the dwarves of Thorin split in to two groups. The Calnar chose to remain behind while the Hylar chose to leave and search for Everbardin, the mythical ancestral home of all dwarves.


Traditionally the ruling clan of both Thorbardin and Kayolin, the Hylar were originally a clan of dwarves that integrated with the Calnar living in Thorin. Following the Last Balladine, the Hylar moved west, seeking to return to ancient Kal-Thax (present-day Thorbardin). Hylar dwarves are known for their ingenuity, particularly in developing mechanical forms of travel, such as lifts and rail cars. They were also responsible for innovating a superior grade of steel that is still in production today.


The Daergar clan delves deeper into present-day Thorbardin than all others. The Daergar are consummate miners who prefer living underground. This has helped them develop the best darkvision of all dwarven clans. Their pale complexion and large pupils give them another worldly appearance that even other dwarves can find unsettling. Daergar Dwarves are ferocious fighters who partake in bloody duels and brawls for sport.


The Daewar were the original inhabitants of the caves and catacombs that would become Thorbardin. The Daewar are renowned for their martial training and often form the backbone of the Thorbardin defenses. Known for their fair dealings and treatment of all dwarves, they are often sought out to act as representatives and mediators for the other clans and in their dealings with the outside world.


When the gates of Thorbardin were closed following the Cataclysm, so me Neidar dwarves were trapped inside. Cut of ffrom their kin, many lost all sense of reason. Those who survived the chaos of those days formed a new clan, the Klar.  Klar dwarves are often called wild dwarves by the other clans. The Klar are motivated more by emotion than the other clans are. They are easily contented and are easily enraged. They are also known as stubborn fighters whose surprising speed and ferocity makes up for their lack of training.


Living in the foot hills surrounding the mountain kingdoms of Thorbardin and Kayolin, Neidar dwarves are known for their industriousness and curiosity. While they have the same stubborn streak of their mountain dwarf cousins, the Neidar regularly seek out others for trade and will often travel to human and elven communities. The Neidar dwarves suffered greatly after the Cataclysm. Many of their communities were destroyed when they were denied entry into Thorbardin. Most Neidar dwarves harbor strong feelings of resentment towards their mountain dwelling cousins.


The Theiwar were the first clan of dwarves in Thorbardin to organize themselves into a proper Thane. They are an ambitious, callous clan who plot and scheme behind the scenes to attain positions of power. While most dwarves have an inherent distrust of arcane magic, some Thiewar use it to gain an advantage over their enemies. They have a reputation for trickery and deception, leading many dwarves and non-dwarves to distrust them.



Easily the most repulsive of all dwarves, the Zhakar are known for having all the worst qualities of man and dwarf alike. They are often cruel, quick to anger, and distrustful of all other clans of dwarves. The Zhakar have few allies in the world. Zhakar dwarves are pale skinned and typically hairless with translucent eyes. They are feared on Ansalon for their reputation for maliciousness and treachery.


Aghar dwarves, pejoratively referred to as gully dwarves, make up a unique clan of dwarves who make their homes in swamps, ruins, and other places most civilized creatures avoid. As a result of living in such inhospitable environments, they have evolved instincts for survival that are virtually unmatched. In fact, aghar dwarf culture places so much emphasis on survival, there is little room for more “refined” values such as writing or mathematics.

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