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Day = 24 hours  /  Month = 30 days  /  Year =  360 days - 12 Months


Giledai = Monday  
Luindau = Tuedsay
Nuindai = Wednesday
Soldai = Thursday
Manthus = Friday
Shiarai = Saturday
Boreadai = Sunday


Aelmont = January / Winter
Rannmont = February / Winter
Mishamont = March / Spring
Chislmont = April / Spring
Bran = May / Spring
Corij = June / Summer
Argon = July / Summer
Sirrimont = August / Summer
Reorxmont = September / Autumn
Hiddumont = October / Autumn
H’rarmont = November / Autumn
Phoenix = December / Winter

Krynn Holidays

1 Aelmont - Year Day

First day of the new year. Many nations will take the opportunity to stop working and share gifts to celebrate the past and renew promises of the future. Dwarves will melt down a spoonful of lead and blindly drizzle it on a plate. Then interpret the plate's prediction of the coming year based on the shape the lead cooled into.


3 Aelmont - Dark Day

The anniversary of the Cataclysm and a day of reflection. Many will don black clothing on this day. The city of Tarsis celebrates by fashioning mock boats on wheels, then races them in their dried up harbors regatta-style!


9-13 Rannmont - Harnkeggerfest

A five day festival where the hill dwarves open the first keg of summer ale. They don heavy boots, a garter belt and a red tunic. They are the officiator of sorts and get to tap and sample the first barrel of late summer ale. Aside from drinking, celebrants consume twisted hardbreads called frawlen, after a dwarven female's braids. On the fifth day, the votes are tallied and awards distributed.


14 Mishamont - Kith-Kanandras

A day honoring the accomplishments of Kith-Kanan, the grandson of Silvanos, who led the western elves to their new homeland of Qualinesti. Disparate races are invited by friends to honor tolerance, and are presented with good conversation, rare elven spirits, and elven delights. It ends at midnight when the hosts reluctantly delay the guests departure till the hour is struck, then ceremoniously thrown out.


15 Mishamont - Silvanosdras

The day the birthday of Silvanos is observed by the elves. Observed as the birth date of the heroic elf who united the first elven tribes and led them to their homeland of Silvanesti, four millennia before the Cataclysm. The Silvanesti bath statues in the likeness of Silvanos and decorate their homes with white stars and fast through the day, renewing their vows to democracy on hillsides.


21 Mishamont - Spring Dawning

Day of the vernal equinox.  The vernal equinox is celebrated by all. In Solace there is a large festival where they sell crafts. The Knights of Solamnia and Northern Ergoth perform a contest of battle to determine spring's end.


4 Chislmont - Harrowing

Start of the planting season on Ansalon.  Solamnia plants the first seeds, the plainsmen dance around a pole decorated with colorful vines. The humans of Khur honor the release of spirits wrongfully condemned to the Abyss. And Dwarves feast with the last of their winter stores. In Goodlund, they practice practical jokes.


21 Corij - Midyear Day

Also known as Midsummer’s Eve, the longest day of the year.  This celebration of lights is observed by human communities, where they celebrate with dancing. In Thorbardin, it's the re-ignighting of the forges, and dwarves celebrate with ale sampling to drums which draw in other racial celebrants for selling items and engaging in friendly contests.


15 Argon - Festival of Candles

The dwarves celebrate the Festival of Candles today to honor their deceased ancestors. This is a solemn dwarven day of remembrance. They craft floating lanterns and release them in underground lakes in honor of their forebears. Some will bathe in the water for protection from evil for the year to come.

22 Reorxmont - Summer’s End

End of summer, the autumnal equinox, and the beginning of the Autumn harvest season.


12 Hiddumont - Festival of Knights

Celebrating the Knights of Solamnia.


13 H’rarmont : Genealogy Day

The day where gnomes must report to the Genealogy Guild to file corrections, changes, and addenda to their names.


6 December: Thanks a lot Day

When Kender give thanks for the objects that have fallen into their pockets over the past year.


22 December: Yule

Merry Yule, Yule, or the winter solstice, where many light the Yule log and visit their relatives before the heavy snows.

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