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Abanasinia is best known for its wide plains of tall grasses, though the landscape is surprisingly diverse.

The uncivilized grasslands are ruled by the nomadic plains tribes, whose borders shift in periodic warfare and the pursuit of good hunting and water supply. The eastern portion of the land holds a putrid swamp and the ruins of the ancient city Xak Tsaroth - almost completely destroyed by the Cataclysm and completely avoided by both civilized and nomadic humans. The Eastwall mountains separate the fertile plains from the swampy regions.  Most of the civilized communities lie in the west.

Life & Society

The tribes who dwell in the plains are ruled by their own chieftains, who each pursue different agendas though largely they pursue a primitive, nomadic lifestyle that does not affect the greater world. While the plainsmen aren’t particularly welcoming to outsiders, the other communities of the region accept those who have moved from other parts of Ansalon.  The isolation of the region has made it an ideal location for those wishing to start new lives or even form new identities. The people of most communities are generally accepting, judging people more on merit than circumstance of birth. Such tolerance seems to be waning, however, in the communities ruled by the Seekers, who are becoming more oppressive.

Regional History

The life of the nomadic tribes remained largely unchanged after the devastation of the Cataclysm, save that most reverted to ancestor or totem worship as their primary religion. Civilized life changed in response to the radically altered landscape, including port towns founded along the Straights of Schallsea. Formerly isolated towns found themselves part of newly established trade routes. The citizens of Solace rebuilt their town up in the branches of their beloved vallenwood trees, creating one of the most unique human communities in all of Ansalon. Though life in some areas became more promising, the region remained dangerous. Goblins and bandits remained a continual problem for merchant caravans, and the area drew mercenaries from far and wide.


The Abanasinia has a population of about 38,000 (civilized humans 39%, nomadic humans 35%, dwarves 9%, centaurs 8%, goblins 7%, other 2%).



Abanasinia is a confederation of several city-states and a few independent tribes. Each city has its own governmental structure. Most of the port cites are ruled by merchant princes. Mayors rule some of the interior towns, such as Long Ridge. In some towns the mayors are elected, but in others they are chosen through elaborate competitive tests of mind and body. Several communities in Abanasinia, including Haven, Solace, and Gateway, haved formed a theocracy ruled by the Seekers, with a high theocrat governing most villages, towns and cities.



Seeker (civilized communities) or ancestor worship (nomad tribes).



Civilized cities and towns export steel weapons and armor, grain, and ale. Nomadic people trade woven blankets, pottery, tanned hides, and handcrafted items.

Villages, Towns and Cities of Abanasinia


The village of Alsip (medium Village, 586) is was built after the Ergoth/Kharolis war by the Ergothians to ensure their hold on the area and to act as a bastion against Tarsis.  Much of the area fell into ruin and poverty following the Cataclysm and the loss of agriculture land, and has come under routine Goblin attack.


Ankatavaka (medium Town, 2,256). The port town of Ankatavaka, located on the west coast of Abanasinia, was once part of the Empire of Ergoth until the Straits of Algoni separated them from the Empire during the Cataclysm. The town rose to power during the reign of Gwynned VI. Religion was raised to a fevered pitch and the city of Ankatavaka was among the leading towns devoted to the teachings of religion. The town itself was in opposition to the rule of Istar and its strict views over religion. They were not sorry to see Istar fall, but the loss of the gods was devastating.


To survive, they clung to the tenets of their beliefs and restructured their society around spiritualism. The town is ruled by an oligarchy of “priests” that have worshiped a number of different deities over the generations since the ancient gods abandoned them. The latest religion to catch the eye of the priests has been the Seeker religion. 


Barter (medium village, 356). The village is located in the northwestern corner of the small nation, and is perched at the eastern end of the River Swift. Barter is located near the base of the Highguard Range and sits on a road that has established trade it's neighbors in Bonfair. Barter was first established by Derkin Lawgiver following his escape and his people's from the Ergothian slave camp Klanath. He first established this village in a valley as a place of trade for any race to come to outside of the lands of Thorbardin. You could see Elves, Humans, Gnomes, Kender, and all sorts of different races coming to trade their wares to the dwarves and to each other. 


Bazin (Large village, 571). Located just off from the Old Coast Road, south of Lantern in the southwestern region of the Plains of Dust. It was once a prosperous stopping point due to its natural hot springs, but these almost entirely dried up in the aftermath of the Cataclysm and since that time only a few families have remained. Over the centuries the village became a good place for bandits and malcontents to hide during the winter months. Humans, dwarves, and even a few Kender and elves can be found here, destitute and broken with no where else to go and no way to cross the Plains of Dust. The village is ruled by Warlord Kirakas and his bandits. Kirakas charges anyone that enters a fee for his protection.


Bonfair (large village, 673). Previously the village was ensconced on the sandy border of the Plains of Dust. Bonfair enjoys increased trade as it's sit on a large road that has an established trade route with Wayend and Barter.


Crossing (small Town, 1,888). Established during the years following the Cataclysm. Located directly across the mouth of the New Sea from the town of Port O’Call, the town of Crossing started out as nothing more than a landing site near a rise that overlooked the Plains of Abanasinia. As it became clear that the location was one of the most likely spots of ships to make dock, a group of merchants from Caergoth, looking to establish their own port to the lands of the south, began building docks and the site started to attract journeymen and refugees. Requiring a way to protect themselves and their investments against pirates and attacks from warring plainsmen, the merchants formed the Scales Society, a guild in which every tradesman, no matter how big or small would contribute to the defense of the town through a tithe of their annual income. From this, the Town guard, coast guard, and bureaucrats are paid.


Digfel (medium village, 365). Mining village located south of Gateway and Que-Shu in Abanasinia that is carved in the side of the mountain and is rich with iron deposits. The village's human residents litteraly live as Drwaves and they only have some minor trade with their dwarven neighbors to the south, but otherwise they keep mostly to themselves. Nobody exept for the Drwaves will trade with this little community.   The minor village has little of note, other than an alehouse and several stores, including a prominent general store that stocks items for travelers.


Gateway (medium village 335). Founded in Abanasinia during the first years of the Age of Despair, at roughly the same time as the fledgling village of Solace. The village is a more of a crossroads than anything else, lying east of Solace, at the base of the Sentinel Peaks at the base of Gateway Pass. It is also located along the Crystalmir Rub. Similar in many respects to Solace itself, the major difference is that all of the village shops are situated on the ground rather than in the trees. Gateway is governed by a high theocrat.


Goodbay (small Town, 1,375) port town that lies on the western edge of Abanasinia, directly south of Zaradene. Goodbay is in the middle of the trade route between Zaradene and Ankatavaka, and naturally reaps great benefits from its location. Goodbay is known as a haven for bards and is governed by the master bard of the local school.


Halter Wood (large village, 675). Quaint port village of on the border of the Qualinesti woods was founded by a Qualinesti elf following the Cataclysm. Legends claim he fell in love with a human woman and built a refuge near the woods for his love and her family. Refugees from the destruction arrived in the following years and were not turned away. Eventually a small village evolved in its place. The Halter family still resides there and Liam Halter is the headman of the community. The protection and upkeep of the village is arranged by Liam and collections of taxes are made once a month from those who can contribute. Volunteers who want, assist in the community for a warm meal and a place to rest are given modest accommodations.


Hamlet (small Town, 1,175) was established as a crossroad between the humans of the east, the mountain folk of the north and the dwarves of the west. It is also located just west of a pass through the Bluegate Mountains, leading to Tarsis and the Plains of Dust. The current mayor of Hamlet is Hesil Irontwister, a hill dwarf. She has a reputation for being hard but fair and is always in everyone’s business. To the citizens this overprotective nature has kept their fair town safe from smugglers, bandits and worse. Hesil herself acts as both Mayor and High Sheriff, going out to hunt down bandits and marauding gnoll bands. She has to be tough to deal with the constant threat of goblins and hobgoblins to the south. The town itself is surrounded by a wooden palisade with a number of sturdy wooden buildings covered in thatch. There are a fair number of wells to underground springs in the town that make it easier to put out any fires that may occur.


Haven (medium City, 14,889): The city of Haven was built on the ruins of an elven city that fell during the Cataclysm. The city was rebuilt by a number of families with the assistance of the elves, although that part of the story is often left out. The original founders made sure they established themselves as the true rulers of the town and based their elections and privileges in city based on their relation to the families of the city founders. The mayor of Haven Gerin Serrund can trace his linage all the way back to his ancestor that erected the first stone building on the corner of Haven’s town square.  

The city of Haven has long been shielded from outside influences and the people are fiercely conservative. They welcome outside trade, but outsiders are not welcome into meddle in their affairs. Recently a group of men known as the Seekers have begun practicing their religion.  The power of the Seekers in Haven in so great they have usurped political power from the mayor and created the governing body of the Council of High Seekers.


Hopeful (Small village 578) is a small settlement in the grassy plains to the north of Tarsis. A high wall encircles the village, protecting the human and centaur residents against their enemies. The folk of Hopeful have some minor trade with the outside world, however they continue to remain fairly isolationist, choosing to deal with merchants from Tarsis and few others. The village is governed by an elected mayor, and loosely policed by a unified human and centaur militia.


Lantern (large village, 675) is a minor village of desert nomads, located on the East of Tarsis in the Plains of Dust and centered on an ancient temple dedicated to Sirrion, god of fire. The village is situated atop a rise in the low lying plains and is easily spotted from a distance. Prior to the Cataclysm the temple maintained an eternal flame that acted as a beacon to the lost. In the early years following the loss of the gods, the good citizens of Lantern tried to begin a tradition of lighting res atop the temple at night and during festivals. Unfortunately this only drew the attention of bandits, minor warlords, and eventually barbaric Ice Folk that raided the village frequently. The village is now only a shadow of its former self, governed by the haunted mayor, Alsted Creed. Strangers are turned away or threatened if they cannot prove they have something of value to the village and its inhabitants.

New Ports

New Ports (medium Town, 3,219): The town of New Ports was founded by a Merchant Lord in the years following the Fall of Istar. The harbor was a perfect port for trading with the elves of Qualinost, and before long a fleet of
ships had made port there. The town itself is run much like a ship. There are a number of different guilds in the town that each claim to have a “captain” and a “crew.” There is no central authority and each guild maintains a section of the town where their goods and services are offered. There is no central residential district as each guild maintains a number of homes within their section of the town.  Each guild barters with one another for their needs. This makes it difficult for New Ports to respond as a town to any outside threats as each guild is mostly concerned for their own welfare, but in times past the guilds have been known to join together against a common enemy. Occasionally a merchant lord with enough influence over multiple guilds will attempt to rule over New Ports as a self-styled Merchant Prince. Currently there is no central power.

Pax Tharkas

Pax Tharkas (Fortress, population unknown) The fortress resides on the border between the realms of Qualinesti and Thorbardin, and was erected as a symbol of peace and unity between the elves, humans and the dwarves. The name Pax Tharkas translates into Common as "Peace among Friends" or "Citadel of Peace" and symbolises the alliance forged by Kith-Kanan, leader of the Qualinesti, with the dwarves of Thorbardin and the humans of Ergoth in the Age of Dreams. Following the Cataclysm and the defeat of the dwarves who occupied Pax Tharkas by the Army of Fistandantilus during the Dwarfgate War, Pax Tharkas was left abandoned.


Qué-Shu (small Village, 520), lies slightly eastwards of Solace, along the base of the Eastwall Mountains in Abanasinia. A low circular wall surrounds the village, and there are a large number of tents, and permanent buildings setup within the wall. Major structures are in the centre of the settlement, including the village hall and the home of the chieftain. At the absolute centre of Qué-Shu is an arena, in which all physical contests are played out. Qué-Shu has traditionally been led by a chieftain, who is guided by a wise shaman.


Rigitt (medium Village, 329) was founded in 143 AC when a powerful but failing merchant family from Tarsis moved south to establish a new trade in the village.  For the past three generations the Rigitt family, led by Nestor Rigitt has ruled the village and struggled to establish trade with the outside world. Since its inception the village has attracted a number of pirates, but few honest merchants; it is in no position to provide aid or assistance to the rest of the region. 


Solace (medium Village, 388). In the central heart of Abanasinia, bordered on one side by the lovely Crystalmir Lake, lies the village of Solace. It receives a healthy number of travelers and visitors through it. Solace is under the heel of Hederick the High Theocrat, a high-ranking Seeker priest.


Before Hederick arrived, the mayor of Solace was Twombly Willowsby,   He left Solace after the Seekers appointed Hederick as High Theocrat.  Twombly has not been seen since.  A couple of well known structures lie in Solace, such as the Inn of the Last Home, the general store, the blacksmith and a book store.


Southeast (large Village, 687) of Crossing is the minor port town of Staughton. On the eastern coastline of Abanasinia, directly across the Straits of Schallsea from the Schallsea Isle itself, the port village sees a bit of traffic. Other than a few stores and a series of docks, there is little of note in the cozy village.  


Tarsis (medium Town, 4,290) languishes in the southern corner of the Kharolis mountains like a washed-up carcass, hundred miles inland from the coast of Ice Mountain Bay.  Situated within the Plains of Dust, this determined bastion of civilization struggles against the entropy that has overcome it in the centuries since the Cataclysm, not without some small measure of success. Still trading on a legacy of wealth and power that never seems to quite fade away, Tarsis stands at a nexus of three old trade routes: south from Abanasinia and Thorbardin, west into Kharolis, and east across the Plains of Dust into Khur and beyond.



(Small village, 110), farming community

Wayend (meduim village 479).  Wayend is deeply rooted in the sands of the Plains of Dust and sees little traffic or trade. It benefits from some active trade along the established road between the village and Bonfair.


Windkeep (population unkown) is a fortress built after the pre-Cataclysm war between Ergoth and Kharolis. This was not due to war, but more because of dangerous creatures roaming the land in the north near Wayreth.

Xak Khalan

Xak Khalan (population unkown). Just north of Xak Tsaroth lie the ruins of Xak Khalan. The smaller sister-city of Xak Tsaroth, these ruins lie on the eastern edges of Abanasinia, and are one of the few visible testaments to this once great trade empire. The ruins are home to all manner of dark creatures, and little else.

Xak Tsaroth

Xak Tsaroth (population unkown) was a very wealthy trading city founded by Solamnics that was destroyed during the Cataclysm. Thrown over the side of a cliff, it hung down inside of a ravine and was forgotten by the rest of the civilized world. Gully dwarves later began to inhabit the fallen city under the rulership of the Bulp clan, alongside the Glups and the Sluds. It is rumoured that dark forces inhabit the city.


Zaradene (medium village, 345) is a small fishing port on the Straits of Schallsea in Abanasinia. It is nothing more than a low, brown smudge on the gray-white coastline. It has about fifty homes, none over two stories tall, with a hedgehog of sharpened stakes around it. The wharf in the port is decrepit, being only one dock with all its boards warped. The people living there are a superstitious lot.


Zeriak (large village, 943): Just south of Tarsis is a vast frozen expanse that leads to Icewall Glacier. The Old Coast Road leads out of Tarsis and into this unforgiving land. Deep into the tundra on the border of Icewall is a settlement of ice barbarians called Zeriak.

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